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happy new year

i hope this year will be great..better that how it’s started so far
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you WISH are true.

Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

1) I miss somebody right now.
2) I do not watch tv these days.
3) I wear glasses or contact lenses.
4) I love to play video games.
5) I have tried marijuana.
6) I have been in a threesome.
7) I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
8) I have changed mentally over the last year.
9) I curse.
10) I am totally smart.
11) I’ve broken someone’s bones.
12) I am paranoid sometimes.
13) I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
14) I need money right now.
15) I love sushi.
16) I talk really, really fast.
17) I have long hair.
18) I have lost money in Las Vegas.
19) I have at least one sibling.
20) I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
21) I couldnt survive without Caller ID.
22) I like the way I look.
23) I am usually pessimistic.
24) I have a lot of mood swings.
25) I have a hidden talent.
26) I am always hyper.
27) I have a lot of friends.
28) I have pecked someone of the same sex.
29) I enjoy talking on the phone.
30) I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
31) I love to shop.
32) Enjoy window shopping.
33) I would rather shop than eat.
34) I dont hate anyone.
35) I am a pretty good dancer.
36) I am completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
37) I have a cell phone.
38) I believe in God.
39) I am an adrenaline junkie.
40) I watch MTV on a daily basis.
41) I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
42) I have rejected someone before.
43) I want to have children in the future.
44) I have changed a diaper before.
45) I have called the cops on a friend before.
46) I am not allergic to anything.
47) I have a lot to learn.
48) I am shy around members with the opposite sexs.
49) I have made a move on a friends, significant other or crush in the past.
50) I have tried alcohol before.
51) I own the South Park movie.
52) I would die for my best friend.
53) I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
54) I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
55) I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
56) Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
57) I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
58) I am happy at this moment!
59) I âm obsessed with girls/guys.
60) I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
61) I study for tests most of the time.
62) I am comfortable with who I am right now.
63) I have more than just my ears pierced.
64) I walk barefoot wherever I can.
65) I have jumped off a bridge.
66) I love sea turtles.
67) I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
68) Plan on achieving a major goaldream.
69) I am proficient in a musical instrument.
70) I hate office jobs.
71) I love sci-fi movies.
72) I think water rules.
73) I went college out of state.
74) I like sausages.
75) I love kisses.
76) I fall for the worst people.
77) I adore bright colours.
78) I cant live without black eyeliner.
79) I dont know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
80) I usually like covers better than originals.
81) I can pick up things with my toes.
82) I can whistle.
83) I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
84) I have ridden/owned a horse.
85) I still have every journal I’ve written in.
86) I can stick to a diet.
87) I talk in my sleep.
88) I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
89) I have jazz in my blood.
90) Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
91) I wear a toe ring.
92) I can’t stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
93) I am a caffeine junkie.
94) I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
95) I have been to over 15 conventions.
96) I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
97) I am an artist.
98) I only clean my room when necessary.
99) I like a person of the same sex.
100) I love being happy.

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got a new laptop

that is all
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the tide is turning

 so i think nice music is starting to come back on the top 40 charts
i love timbaland/one republic’s apoligize (see i spelt it with a ‘z’)
and hey there delilah by the great white t’s or whatever theyre called is doing pretty well
get rid of this ‘shake it like its hot’ or whatever crap
variety and diversity is good..
but not when its CRAP!!
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so i’ve just started watch season one of the hills
mostly because i want to see what all this hoo haa  is between lauren conrad and heidi montag
and i’m finding myself liking lc and her ex/bf jason
and seeing them (or him) getting into dates is interesting
and of course its different from tv
its ‘real life’
and it gets me thinking
about those times.. 
when i’ve liked a boy
and get to know each other better
boy asks a question like we should catch a movie together
which at the time soudns to me like ‘we should catch a movie together’
not ‘lets go on a date’
which is why u hear me go on and on and on about not ever being asked out on a date..
and like..i guess after a while
i get to know boy better
and i find out that i actually dont like boy
and then boy will say something like the above
and i’ll shoot boy down (not directly)
like i’ll say sure..
and then avoid him for the rest of my life..well maybe not rest of life..
i think at one point in uni i was avoiding many ppl (not that i was sought after or nething)
i just was too insecure i guess..to deal with ppl
i’m over that now
and then like months later i’ll realise that boy was possibly digging me
and then i’m like
which is totally mean
i know..
just the fact that a particular ‘character’ would like me..
for some reason grosses me out.
ok making excuses..
but um yeh after watching the hills just now thats what i realised..
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aahhhh frickin slow!!

so i applied for this job at cal state fullerton
close to home
great pay
easy job
but they frickin replied so slow
neways they set my interview for next friday..
its been like a month..
i’ve already got a job!!
i like my job now neways..
not too close..
but i can work whenever i want..
so i can get stuff done around the house and do whatever and get in and out as i choose..
and the ppl are great
smart and classy
and the offices are nice
cal state doesnt seem like a too nice campus..
i’m trying to convince myself that the job i have now is better..
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david beckham

so ryan seacrest is always going on about how hot becks is but how he sounds like harry potter
beckham was on the ryan seacrest show this morning
and at the end of the interview he was like ‘i listen to ur show every morning- so i hope i didnt sound too much like harry potter’
and like seacrest was speechless
i burst out laughing in the car
i love ryan seacrest 
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the grand socal illusion

The Grand Illusion

Aug 24th, 2007 by IrvineRenter

So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because your neighbors got it made
Just remember that it’s a Grand illusion
And deep inside we’re all the same.
We’re all the same…

The Grand Illusion — Styx

Link to Music Video

I find pretense very distasteful. There is a large subculture in Southern California that expends a great deal of money and energy trying to make other people think they are happy and successful. It is an illusion they cultivate within themselves.

Status is an internal perception about what people believe other people think about them. It has nothing to do with what other people actually do think about them (as if that mattered anyway).

For instance, I think the women on the Real Housewives of Orange County are soulless, gold-digging slags. My derision is only eclipsed by my disrespect for the way they live, what they believe, and what they represent. However, they think I, and everyone else who knows them through the show, believes they are something special, something to envy as if they really have it “going on.” They have status. Not because people regard them highly, but because they think people do. But I digress…

For people who don’t have the internal strength to base their self worth on what they believe about themselves, they end up basing their self worth on their perceptions of what other people think about them. Once they have given their power away to others in this manner, people will expend tremendous amounts of time, energy and money in a vain attempt to influence other people — hence we have fancy cars, opulent houses, designer clothing, and all the other trappings of conspicuous consumption. In my opinion, this is a sickness (their mind control fails on me.) It is a consuming disease which fed on the borrowed money made available during the housing/credit bubble.


Southern California’s prosperity over the last 7 years has been The Grand Illusion. Our entire economy has been built on borrowed money; our collective self worth has been built on borrowed money. As the credit crunch takes hold and our economy contracts, it will not just be difficult on people financially, it will also be difficult on them emotionally because many people will be forced to abandon their illusions of wealth, prosperity and happiness. One day with their vanity stripped from them, some of the most pretentious will look in the mirror and see how pathetic and insecure they really are. 

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cant wait to watch it!!!
finally saw transformers over the weekend
um.. i thought the graphics were awesome
shia labeouf is an amazing actor
heh i realised that he’s that same guy in the movie ‘holes’
its  a good movie 😛 ^_-
he was little tho..
he started acting cos he was poor
thats his own words
he lives in a poor-ish area in la called echo park
its like where the dream center is
other than that..nothing too spiffy..
story line was meh..
too simple
i love stuff like the matrix
it works ur way into ur mind inspiring you to think of the world differently
transformers was just guns guns and more guns
kinda hated that..
i wanted to see more sword ish stuff
guns are just so bleh
bumblebee was so cute
i wish he was still vw 🙂
i guess it held up to my expectations
cos i didnt really know transformers that well
all i knew: is that autobots are good guys deceptecons are bad guys
megatron is the leader of the bad guys
optimus prime (or wahtever) is the leader of the good guys
and bumble bee is the cute one
thats all i knew going into it
i really only wanted to watch it cos of the graphics which blew my mind away
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